Bielsko: Salwatoriańskie Stowarzyszenie HospicyjneSSH is a voluntary organisation that built the first residential hospice in Bielsko, a town of 175,000 inhabitants. Planning began in 2002 and after overcoming many challenges the hospice finally opened its doors in October 2016. All funding for the hospice has come from donations.
The hospice will provide accommodation for 30 patients, together with medical rooms, a rehabilitation suite, a palliative care day surgery, a chapel and rooms for visiting families. To date, the Alina Foundation has donated:
“Thank you very much for what you have done for Polish hospices.” "The directors of the hospice sincerely thank you for the donation towards the construction of the St John Paul II hospice. This hospice will become a living testament to the most beautiful human feelings: love for others, patience, generosity and hope, becoming at the same time the realisation of the spiritual legacy of its Patron." - Grażyna Chorąży, President Take a look at the hospice webpage: |