Turime suvokti, jog kiekvienas gyvenimas baigiasi mirtimi. Daugely atveju gyvenimo pabaiga yra be galo sudėtinga, lydima ligos ir skausmo.
Taip susiklostė, kad pastaruoju metu labai daug laiko praleidžiame hospise, kovodami už artimo žmogaus sveikatą. Esame labai laimingi ir dėkingi, jog Vilniuje turime hospisą, kuris atveria pagalbos duris, kuriame galima jaustis kaip namuose. Nepaisant to, kiek daug iki šiol yra nuveikta siekiant įsteigti šiuos namus, žmonių gerumas čia nesibaigia ir šiandien žmonių aukų pagalba auga naujas pastatas, kuriame įsikurs vaikų hospisas. Nelikime abejingi šaukiantiems pagalbos, padovanokime vieni kitiems gražų gyvenimą. |
Prosze o darowiznę na konto Fundacji w Polsce:
Bank: Alior
Numer rachunku:
85 2490 0005 0000 4500 1020 9844
Tytuł przelewu: Darowizna, Twoje imię i nazwisko, kolarz: Artur
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Bank: Alior
Numer rachunku:
85 2490 0005 0000 4500 1020 9844
Tytuł przelewu: Darowizna, Twoje imię i nazwisko, kolarz: Artur
Jeśli chcesz użyć karty kredytowej to skorzystaj z systemu PayPal:
We have to be aware that life is short and ends with death. Often a person's passing is unbelievably hard, surrounded by illness and pain.
I have recently spent a lot of time at the hospice, fighting for the health of someone close. I am incredibly happy and grateful that in Vilnius we have a hospice that has opened its doors to many in need and constantly fights to provide even greater support, building a new unit for children.
The hospice of Father Michael Sopocki is a real home, where there is joy and hope despite many challenges. Let's not be indifferent and let's help this place keep going and growing.
To sponsor Artur , click on the donate button below. Please remember that each cyclist covers all their costs of participating in the ride, so all donations are fully used to fund the charity's work.
I have recently spent a lot of time at the hospice, fighting for the health of someone close. I am incredibly happy and grateful that in Vilnius we have a hospice that has opened its doors to many in need and constantly fights to provide even greater support, building a new unit for children.
The hospice of Father Michael Sopocki is a real home, where there is joy and hope despite many challenges. Let's not be indifferent and let's help this place keep going and growing.
To sponsor Artur , click on the donate button below. Please remember that each cyclist covers all their costs of participating in the ride, so all donations are fully used to fund the charity's work.